After Your Wedding
For most Bridal Couples their Bridal Dance is the main focus of their lessons when they first start learning together but what about after the wedding?
You both had a great time learning your Bridal Dance didn’t you?
In spite of some initial reservations you actually achieved something really special together and along the way had lots of fun didn’t you?
So why not try some Social Dancing and see how much further you can take it?
Social Dancing is about learning a variety of dances so you can have fun with your dancing together in any social situation so why not book the Introductory Package shown below.
Give it a try….You’ll love it!
Social Ballroom & Latin Introductory Package for $105 (Single) / $155 (Couple)
Single Includes: 1 Private Lesson & Consultation + 2 Group Practice Lessons + 1 Bonus Studio Social
Couple Includes: 1 Private Lesson & Consultation (shared) + 4 Group Practice Lessons (2 each) + 2 Bonus Studio Socials (1 each)
Our Introductory Package is ideal for anyone who is interested in learning Social Ballroom & Latin Dancing but is not quite sure where to start .This package will let you try a variety of different types of instruction, a variety of different dances and see exactly what we teach and how we teach.